JMR COVID Version- An interview with Jayafar Moidu – Founder & CEO of JMR Infotech by Seed Group
Agility and Adaptability – Lessons that #Covid19 Pandemic has Taught us
An interview with Jayafar Moidu
Founder & CEO of JMR Infotech by Seed Group. Jayafar shares his thoughts candidly on the challenges of the #pandemic and adapting to ensure business continuity and growth in the new normal.
BankingTech Reports: Janata Bank Moves Merged And Acquired Banks To Oracle FFS Flexcube
Nepal’s Janata Bank has moved new data from merged and acquired entities to the Oracle FSS Flexcube core banking system with the help of JMR Infotech. The data from the merged Triveni Bikas Bank and the recently acquired Siddhartha Development Bank were moved to Flexcube. (Janata chose Flexcube ba...
Finextra Reports: JMR Infotech Completes Data Migration for Nepalese Bank
JMR Infotech, a leading technology solutions and services provider, announced that they have successfully executed the data migration project, across the merged and acquired entities, to help Nepal’s Janata Bank lower its cost of operations and also roll out superior features and services to its c...
Finextra Reports: JMR Infotech Reports African Contract Win
JMR Infotech, a leading technology solutions and services provider bagged a multi-year deal with a Financial Institution of International repute with pan Africa presence and asset portfolio of approximately 50 Billion USD, based out of South Africa to manage its Oracle Seibel CRM application...
IBS Intelligence Reports: JMR Infotech lands African CRM Contract
JMR Infotech has won a multi-year contract with a financial institutions of “international repute” in Africa. The lender, based in South Africa, is charging JMR with the management of its Oracle Seibel CRM application. Jayafar Moidu, CEO, JMR Infotech, said of the deal: “I am happy that the...
Bobsguide Reports: JMR Infotech Appoints A. Srinivasan as the President of Global Sales and BFSI Solutions
JMR Infotech, a leading global technology solutions and services provider, appointed A. Srinivasan as the President of Global Sales and BFSI Solutions to augment the leadership team and drive strong sales and business development focus. Srinivasan is a business leader with more than 30 years of...
IBS Intelligence Reports: JMR Infotech signs Flexcube core banking deal with “major” APAC bank
JMR Infotech, a managed services and implementation partner for Oracle, has signed a multi-year seven-country core banking deal with “a major bank” in the APAC region. JMR will be implementing Oracle’s Flexcube core banking system, Oracle Banking Digital Experience and Oracle Financial Service...
Bobsguide Reports: A major bank in JAPAC signs a multi-year, multi-country core banking deal with JMR Infotech
JMR Infotech, a leading technology solutions and services provider, today announced that it has signed a multi-year, 7 country core banking deal with a leading bank in JAPAC. As part of the deal, JMR Infotech will implement Oracle FLEXCUBE for core banking, Oracle Banking Digital Experience for...
Education Technology Reports: Schools in Trichy going DIGITAL
LearnOn Technology Solutions, a pioneer in K-12 ed-tech and a subsidiary of JMR Infotech, today announced that Trichy-based Kamala Niketan Montessory School has selected the company’s differentiated learning solution C-Link, and C-talk – an integrated communication app...